Database Management - allows you to store and track client demographics for marketing purposes, stores booking details for invoicing, stores email quotes in the client account for future reference
- Registration Link from website - captures client data (including the all important email address) which is entered directly into the Pro File Client Care Customer Relationship Manager
- Web based - allows access from anywhere in the world. Can be used by inside or outside sales agents
- E-Market directly from your database - increase your travel agency sales by target marketing. Send regular newsletters promoting your agency’s featured specials. You can focus on single travelers, retired clients, cruisers, etc.
- Task lists - Travel Agents can organize and prioritize with a task list and daily organizer. They have the ability to schedule every aspect of closing the sale and servicing the client, from the original quote through to the “welcome home” follow up. This allows you to exceed your clients’ expectations by providing amazing service.
- Sales reports - track your success by travel agent, by supplier, weekly, monthly, annually and plan your cash flow
- Commission resolution and tracking - As each commission cheque is received it is entered into Pro File Client Care Customer Relationship Manager. The system calculates the amount owing to the commissioned travel agent based on the percentage you’ve entered into their agent account. The payment is stored in the history for future reference. The commission tracking feature allows you to dramatically increase your revenue by collecting commissions outstanding from your suppliers for clients who have already traveled. This feature allows you to recover large sums of revenue you may not even know you’re missing.
- Fully Managed Solution - Due to the web based nature of the Profile Client Care Customer Relationship Management system, Profile Client Care manages the daily backups and security for your account. Focus your time on increasing revenue and profit while we take care of the safety and security of your client data.